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CIS Secondary Library: Reading

What should I read next?

How long will it take me to read...?

Book or Magazine Suggestions

Policies and Privileges

Please remember it is your responsibility to bring your school ID card each day. 

Students, you must use your school ID cards for access to all services provided in the Library. All items to check out include print materials and equipment such as E-readers; you must have your ID to do so.  You can use your student ID card for photocopying and printing. 


Help our CIS community by: 

  • Respecting your Library space   
  • Respecting other students in your Library   
  • Respecting everything and everyone in your Library

Secondary Checkout Limits

CIS students are respectful, responsible, and enthusiastic about reading and research! Please return your books when they are due so others can enjoy them. 

Students can check out under their name only. Students may not check out items under others names.

Year 7-13 Students
  • Up to 10 print items per student
  • Up to 6 Sora titles per student

Dear parents, 

We invite you to enjoy the Secondary Library. Please do visit us to browse, ask questions, seek guidance to support your child's reading, or simply to learn about our space 

The ideal time to visit the Secondary Library is after school hours between 3:00-4:00. During school hours (7:30-3:00) the library is a classroom, so your understanding is appreciated.

Because this is a teaching and learning space, we ask that you follow the same expectations we have for the students. When visiting the library, please model and support these standards. It is helpful for students to see.

  • Please wear your Parent ID badge prominently; we need to know who you are.
  • Please engage in a book, magazine, newspaper, or browse our collection. 
  • You are invited to chat with the librarians seeking insight or support for your children.
  • Please take care of all phone communication needs (calls and texts) before entering. Turn off and tuck away your devices.
  • Water bottles are welcome in the Library. Please enjoy your coffee and snacks in the Cafeteria or at the Rooftop Café.
  • Parents who are with their Primary students are asked to use the Primary Library.
  • If you are waiting for your child to finish classes or CCAs or need a place to socialize, we ask that you do so at the Rooftop Café or in the Cafeteria. 
Parental Checkouts
  • Up to 6 items per parent
  • Parents may not check out items in their child's name
    • We appreciate your support in fostering students' independence and responsibility through learning how to manage and maintain their own Library materials.

Material Type

Loan Period

Overdue Prices

Replacement Costs**

Books (print & digital) 14 days


$200 (fiction)

$400 (non-fiction)

Magazines and Journals 14 days N/A* $100
Audio-Visual (Audiobooks, DVDs, etc.) 14 days N/A* $200
Kindles 14 days N/A* $1,200**

*Rather than charging fees for overdue materials, we ask that you return or renew items. You will not be allowed to check out any additional items if you have anything overdue or have lost/damaged a book. The rule of thumb: if you expect to check something out, take care of your obligations.

**If a missing or damaged item is part of a set and we are not able to replace the missing portion, then you need to pay for the replacement of the entire set, which means the cost may be significantly higher. This applies to both books and AV materials.

We welcome you to enjoy the L3 and L4 Library spaces from 7:30am to 4:00pm. Please peruse our books collection, relax with friends, play board games, or use the quiet study space. There are many options for you within the Library. 

As a reminder, per our school wide Responsible Use Policy, cell phones should not be seen.

We encourage students to refrain from accessing and playing video games during the school day.