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CIS Secondary Library: Library Staff

Secondary Teacher Librarian

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Ardea Smith
2512 5836

Who am I?

From my birth in Norway, my journey has led me to live and work in 9 countries. My parents are both educators (IB Biology and PYP Art) and I have continued in their footsteps. Growing up I had the privilege of being a student at various international schools in Vietnam, Mali, Denmark, and Egypt. Today I am proud to serve as Secondary Teacher Librarian at the Chinese International School. I strive to provide a welcoming environment for all students and staff through our wide range of Library services. We have a beautiful space overlooking Hong Kong Island filled with students eager to read and grow as critical thinkers. Welcome to CIS and please reach out with any queries you may have! 

Senior Librarian

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Phoebe Wong
2512 5952

Who am I?

It is a pleasure to work in a dynamic school like CIS.  The school’s mission in providing a dual language program is also reflected in our collection of materials in both Chinese and English.  I believe library should be the place to nurture students’ interest in learning.  My job as a librarian also acts as a facilitator in students’ learning process. Apart from the Library’s daily operation, my main role is to oversee our collection of Chinese materials so as to support the school’s curriculum. I work closely with our Chinese teachers to introduce appropriate Chinese reading materials to our students. I started my education career as an Economics teacher in Hong Kong. After completing the teacher librarianship training in the University of Melbourne, I move into the exciting world of information management and enjoy it very much.     

如果有同學問圖書館老師是否只對閱讀有興趣, 我會說不一定!閱讀以外, 微形黏土工藝也給我無窮的樂趣,農曆新年期間的微形黏土動物制作都是我非常期待的活動, 如果你有一些有關微形黏土工藝的精彩資料謹記與我分享! 中學圖書館除了文學及學術性的館藏外, 也有非常多消閒及趣味性的書籍, 歡迎大家到圖書館與我們分享你閱讀及其他興趣的心得。


Assistant Librarian

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Wing Yan Che
2512 5909

Who am I?

Someone said, “Changing is everlasting”. If it is true, I wish the change of our library and ourselves will be more brilliant than before. My background: After I graduated from Library and Information Studies, I worked in a quantity surveying company’s library for one and a half years. Then, I join CIS until now. In the past, I only served my colleagues, quantity surveyors, in the company and the job focused mainly on record management. The job's nature is quite different after switching from a special library to an academic one.  CIS seems like a metropolitan city because you can meet colleagues and students from different countries.  It is a challenge to work in such a diverse library. I believe that we do not only act as information seekers but being a gateway to bridge people and information together… and then we encourage them to transform this to a life-long learning attitude as well as pursue personal excellence. 

Assistant Librarian

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Millie Yip
2512 5937

Who am I?

I am delighted to be a part of the secondary library team.  With experience spanning from various industries including engineering, a government information resources center in Canada, and a non-profit organization in Hong Kong, I have found my true calling in the school library.  Assisting individuals in locating information is my passion. The school's motto, "To seek and to serve," resonates deeply with me.  As a new addition to the library team, I am prepared to embody this motto in my work.  I look forward to collaborating with each of you and engaging in mutual learning. A warm welcome to all students and faculty in the school.