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CIS Secondary Library: Français

Débutant - Beginner

Banque d'exercices de français - Exercises for beginners offered by Quebec government

Savoirs - "For students who want to keep up with current events. This podcast is hosted by real French journalists who speak slowly so that their international listeners can understand them. Every episode has the most important news of the day in just under ten minutes. At the end of each episode, the hosts explain in detail at least one interesting word that they used during the broadcast. You can also consult the free online transcript of the episodes if there are phrases you don’t understand."

tv5monde - "What is learning French with TV5MONDE? It is a free and interactive site to learn French from videos, programs and news reports. Choose from over 2000 online exercises and improve your oral comprehension in French, from beginner to advanced level."

Lawless French - "self-study course divided into 30 loosely themed units consisting of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation lessons; cultural tips; and assorted listening exercises and quizzes along the way."

Fortissimots - free crossword puzzles, sudoku, and more

Jeu de L'oie - You have to help a goose get home by answering questions about the French language. Choose your level and the game that interests you...

French Your Way - provide you with different ways to learn French : podcasts, worksheets, articles, French lessons and much more. 

Raz-Kids for French - This French book collection includes 27 levels of text that progressively increase in difficulty from level aa to Z to help students improve their French literacy skills. 

The French Experiment - Children's stories translated into French and spoken by a native French speaker. Great for kids... and adults too! Read along in French or English.

La p'tite école du FLE - Harry Potter written in French

Bout de gomme - French poems

List of political stances of various French newspapers 

Les journaux - Newspapers

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Intermédiaire / Avancé - Intermediate / Advanced

Open Library - free eBooks in French

Lawless French - "self-study course divided into 30 loosely themed units consisting of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation lessons; cultural tips; and assorted listening exercises and quizzes along the way."

Fortissimots - free crossword puzzles, sudoku, and more

Civilisation Francaise - learn more about French civilization throughout history

L’Histoire par l’image décrypte l’histoire
Actuellement en ligne 2915 œuvres, 1613 études et 132 animations. L’Histoire par l’image explore les événements de l’histoire de France et les évolutions majeures de la période 1643-1945. À travers des peintures, dessins, gravures, sculptures, photographies, affiches, documents d’archives, nos études proposent un éclairage sur les réalités sociales, économiques, politiques et culturelles d’une époque. Comprendre les images et les événements d’hier, c’est aussi savoir décrypter ceux d’aujourd’hui. Un site qui s’adresse à tous, famille, enseignants, élèves… mais aussi à tous les curieux, amateurs d’art et d’histoire.

Chansons françaises et francophones en cours de FLE 

Lascaux - discover the famous cave in France!

L'portrait - learn more about portraiture in art

French poem readings - Learn French with the most famous French poems: 40+ classic French poems recorded by a native French teacher + English translation. Some poems also feature in-depth analysis and author biographies.

Podcasts en francais

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