“Integrity is the choice between what's convenient and what's right.”
Tony Dungy
“Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you having nothing to hide."
Zig Ziglar
How can we can act with integrity? When sharing information with others, whether through writing, presentations, videos, or audio, we can act with integrity by cite our sources, telling others where we got our information from, and giving credit to the work of others.
CIS and the International Baccalaureate® have aligned expectations for how students should give credit to others. These citation expectations build year level by year level to prepare each student for the IB and the world beyond!
Need more details? Please consult the CIS Academic Integrity Policy.
We are here to help!
Ms. Smith
Secondary Teacher Librarian
Have a question? Stop by the Library or send an email to asmith@cis.edu.hk
We are here to help!
Ms Wong
Senior Librarian
Have a question? Stop by the Library or send an email to scwong@cis.edu.hk
We are here to help!
Ms Che
Assistant Librarian
Have a question? Stop by the Library or send an email to cwy@cis.edu.hk
We are here to help!
Ms Yip
Assistant Librarian
Have a question? Stop by the Library or send an email to myip@cis.edu.hk