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CIS Secondary Library: Español

Cómic y novelas graficas

Comic Book + We are the original and still the premier site to read and download Golden and Silver Age comic books. Plus, we also hold a large and growing selection of comic strips and pulp fiction.

Comics Kingdom 

Periodicos - Newspapers

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Podcasts en español

Mas podcasts en español

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Principiante - Beginner

United For Literacy - Offers access to an abundance of books that celebrate languages ​​and cultures and instills a lifelong love of reading.

JUNTXS: Introductory Spanish - JUNTXS is an open access educational resource which can be used in conjunction with a variety of approaches to support beginning learners of Spanish. This media-rich learning resource is designed to guide learners in their Spanish language learning journey through a critical and intercultural lens and to provide regular opportunities to explore, practise and improve their ability to read, speak, and understand this language as it is used across the Spanish-speaking world.

I’M ALL EARS: Spanish pronunciation course - Spanish Pronunciation Course for Speakers of American English

Intermedio/a y Avanzado/a - Intermediate and Advanced

Open Library (Spanish Language)

El Gobierno de Mexico - A collection of resources put together by the Government of Mexico

Origen MexicoORIGEN MEXICO is an excuse to find and discover all the inherent beauty we have as culture, an expression of gratitude, honoring those characters, objects, gestures, ideas that take shape, thanks to the courage to bring the ordinary to the world of the extraordinary. We have embarked on this trip to discover everything that has contributed to the meaning of our Mexicanness.

A parar bien la oreja: cuaderno de comprensión auditiva (2020) es un esfuerzo colaborativo para crear y poner en práctica recursos didácticos que permitan a estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) acercarse a la comprensión auditiva desde un enfoque interactivo a través de los recursos educativos abiertos (REA). 

Historia/Arte es una enciclopedia online de bellas artes. Con ella pretendemos hacer el arte un poco más accesible y comprensible para el público. Esta web tiene como objetivo divulgar las bellas artes, datos sobre artistas y ciertas obras de arte en particular por su significancia histórica y su uso educativo o didáctico.


DialNet - Universidad de la Rioja - Open access scholarly articles

Amnistía Internacional

Gaby Vargas



Para la prueba de escuchar, escucha programas de varios temas:

Recursos para profesores - Resources for faculty

MERLOT Materials - MERLOT welcomes all language educators and students of World Languages to access the many OER available in the ever-expanding World Languages Collection. This pioneer community contains thousands of OER, many of them peer-reviewed by distinguished scholars in the field.

Let’s Chat! Spanish: 100 interpersonal speaking activities for novice and intermediate learners - Touching on a range of thematic topics such as free time activities, travel, daily routines, health, the environment, art and so much more, Spanish teachers are sure to find an activity to use in their courses. These activities may be used as is or can easily be revised and remixed to fit the unique needs of individual classrooms.