Page Format
- One inch margins, top and bottom.
- Readable font (e.g., Times New Roman) and standard size (e.g., 12 point font).
- Text remains the same throughout with no variation other than italicizing.
- Double-spaced throughout the paper (no extra space, no single spacing).
- Indent the first word of each paragraph.
- Use the running header (upper right hand corner) for your last name and page numbers.
Heading and Title
- Heading in upper left corner of page one. Include your name, teacher's name, course title, and the date.
- Title is centered (keep it very simple; no decorative, bold, underlined, or "fancy" fonts).
- MLA research papers do not include a cover page, unless otherwise required by your teacher or in a particular assignment.
In-text Citations or Parenthetical References (MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 214-216)
- Parenthetical citations are placed at the end of the sentence and inside the final punctuation (MLA Handbook 223).
- Parenthetical citations should not interfere with the readability of the paper.
- Parenthetical citations should be brief and simply identify the source.
- Consult the samples and resources in the box to the right (MLA Samples & Guides).
Works Cited
- Works Cited begins on a separate page, immediately following the final page of the essay.
- Works Cited title is centered at the top of the page (it is not lableled "Bibliography" or "References").
- The first line of each citation is at the left margin, second and third lines are indented 1/2" (thus a "hanging" indent).
- Alphabetical order for all entries (do not divide sources by type or genre).
- Same font and formatting as the essay (size 12 font, Times/Times-New Roman, double-spaced).
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association, 2009. Print.